
Why You Shouldn't Put off Your Annual AC Inspection

How To Fix Your AC's Evaporator

There are so many important components to a residential AC system. This means that there are a lot of potential fail points. Many of the most common AC problems can be fixed quite easily. The problem is most people don't know what to check and where to start. One of the easiest repairs is to clean your evaporator coils. This article explains how to find your evaporator coils, how to clean them, and the positive effects this will have on your system.

Where Is the Evaporator?

The evaporator is linked to both your furnace and air conditioner, but it is usually attached to or inside the main furnace cabinet. It should be relatively easy to find because it is quite large. Most evaporators are within large boxes. Often, they are visible, but in many cases you need to remove a small access panel first. The evaporator is shaped like a pyramid and is made out of a combination of copper and aluminum. The copper coils that line the outside of the evaporator are the most important part of the system.

How to Clean the Coils

The copper coils are a little flimsy, so you need to be very careful when cleaning them. A hose vacuum that has a brush end is probably the best for the job. You can also just use damp rags if the vacuum does not work well enough. The dust buildup on the coils might be stubbornly caked on due to moisture. This is common, and it just means that the dust will be a little harder to clean off. You should not only clean off the coils, but also the entire compartment. As you can see, cleaning the coils is simple because you don't even need any special cleaning supplies. It is just a matter of being careful and thoroughly cleaning between each individual coil.

The Benefits of Clean Coils

Clean coils in your AC system are essential for running an energy-efficient home. If your coils are dirty, the evaporation process will be slowed down. This results in sluggish coolant lines. Basically, the transfer of heat is much slower and your AC's condenser will have to work much harder if the evaporator coils are dirty.

Cleaning your evaporator is easy work that you might need to do every year. At the very least, you should visually inspect your coils to make sure they are clean. If you need professional help with any air conditioning repairs, contact a company like Indoor Weather Professionals.

About Me

Why You Shouldn't Put off Your Annual AC Inspection

I almost always have my air conditioner inspected every spring before I start using it in the summer. However, last year I decided to skip the inspection. Everything had been OK for the last couple of years, so I assumed that it would be fine this year as well. Why not save a few dollars and skip the annual check up, just this once? Of course, this was the year that my air conditioner decided to break down. It ran for a few days, but it never really seemed to get cool enough to bring the indoor temperature down. Then it started making a loud noise, right before shutting off completely. By that time, the AC repair company was swamped like it always is when the weather is warm, and I had to wait days for an appointment. Next year, I will definitely be getting that yearly inspection first.

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