How To Know If The Capacitor Of Your AC Is Dying
AC units wear out over time, and the internal components of the AC unit eventually fail. While your AC can keep going for a while even when experiencing mechanical issues, one problem that will completely break your AC is a bad capacitor. First, you will need to identify that you have a bad capacitor before you can do something about it.
What Your Capacitor Does
The capacitor stores electricity and gives your AC unit a jolt when the fan and compressor need to start. Without a capacitor, the components of your AC simply will not have the energy necessary to function properly.
Warning Signs of a Dying Capacitor
An AC capacitor doesn't usually die abruptly. Instead, the capacitor will show warning signs that it is about to fail. For example, you might be able to turn on your AC unit, but it will not remain on. The AC will keep shutting off throughout the day.
If the AC is still working but the capacitor is about to fail, you might notice a burning smell. When the capacitor burns out, you might hear a pop, and smoke might then come from the capacitor.
When Your Capacitor Dies
Your AC might not blow cold air or might not work at all. Checking the capacitor with a voltmeter can reveal that your AC doesn't have a charge. This is the best way to verify that the capacitor is dead.
Even if your AC is still working, a bad capacitor can lead to very high energy bills. This is because your AC will need to work much harder to keep your home cool. For a variety of reasons, this is a problem you cannot afford to ignore.
How to Fix a Failed Capacitor
To fix your AC, make sure to contact an AC repair technician for help. They will diagnose the exact problem with your AC unit and may determine that your AC has a bad capacitor. Then, the repair technician will replace your capacitor if it is found to be damaged.
Don't Fix Your Capacitor Yourself
Some homeowners try to fix the capacitor themselves by purchasing a replacement capacitor and installing it. This is a bad idea because you will need to make sure that the capacitor is the actual problem. If there is a more serious problem causing your AC to not function properly, you'll need to have it addressed as soon as possible.
For more information on AC repair, contact a company near you.